Places of worship – Practices in Hinduism
In Hinduism, worship is the best way by which every person establishes their relationship with God. Every day, most people take some time from their busy schedules to worship the God in whom they believe. For that temple is the best place, where all can feel the calmness and spirituality. But it is not necessary that you go to the temple every day; you can worship at home also, or sometimes you can go to the temple on any special occasion or festival.
The Temple
In Hindus, the temple is also known by the name “mandir”. In countries like India, where the number of Hindus is very high, there is at least one temple in every village. Apart from this, temples can also be seen in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the US where significant numbers of Hindus are living.
Besides being religious symbols, many of these temples also display great architecture which showcases the rich culture of Hindus. All the temples have statues of different gods and goddesses. Many beliefs and stories are associated with each of these temples.
Visiting Temple
When Hindu people go to a temple, they take off their shoes outside the temple and then go inside the temple. The temple has a main shrine room where the idol of God is kept, and just outside it, a bell is placed, which is a means of invoking the deities before worship.
After that, they either lie down or join their palms and offer prayers to God and do Pardakshina around the shrine. To watch the statue of God is called “Darshan” in Hinduism. They offer different things or money to God to show their gratitude towards them. They also offer sacred foods to God, and after taking blessings, they distribute them to everyone in the form of “prasad.”
Worship is the best way of acknowledging God as Creator, Savior, and King. It fills your mind with positivity. Hindus mainly go to temples to feel the power of God and thank them for everything. One can also worship by helping the needy. For those, Siddhashram is the best place which help all the needy people and animals.