Aperson is ignorant by birth, enveloped in darkness, completely lacking the power of discrimination. He does not know what is right or wrong, what is the meaning and highest goal of a human life, nor which path to walk on to attain success, fulfilment and above all liberation (Moksha).

Only a teacher, a Sadguru in the real sense, who is full of divine energy achieved through inner cleansing and self-discipline (Tapas), whose personality has transcended the limits of the vast sky, deepest ocean and majestic Himalayas, who is filled with generosity and compassion and who has a willingness to share our joys and sorrows, is able to show us the correct path.

To be close to such a Guru is not an ordinary event – it is in fact a process of transformation, one of becoming an insignificant droplet into a vast ocean. One who acquires the Guru’s grace, needs nothing else. One who receives Initiation from him and becomes one with him, will never lack anything in his life. Really blessed are those who will have a Guru in their life time.

“Eik Sadhei, Sab Sadhei” — by appeasing the Guru the student or disciple gets to know all gods, he can experience the whole Universe through his eyes, he is able to go on astral travels and visit any place, create many similar bodies like his own, triumph over all his worldly problems and reach that invigorating, perfect state which is called “Samadhi”.


This highest goal of a human life is beautifully quoted in the Ishavasyopnishad – Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnadmucchate Purnasya Purnamaday Purnameva Va Shishyate. Samadhi can be reached only through the grace of a Guru. He who is the source of real strength and inspiration.

"Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara Guru Sakshat Par Brahma Tasmei Shree Gurve Namah".
