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Das Mahavidya Sadhya
Das Mahavidya
The Das Mahavidyas are Wisdom Goddesses. Das means ten, maha means great, and vidya means wisdom. The Das Mahavidyas are considered forms of Divine Mother Kali, who is the first of the then Mahavidyas. Each Wisdom Goddess has her own name, story, quality, and mantras. Dus Mahavidya. Dus Mahavidya Moolamantra Sadhana. This course includes diksha of all Ten Mahavidya moola-mantra, and their practice together. It is offered as a distance deeksha by our Satguruji.
Sadhanas of Mahavidyas were formulated by the sages with the aim of helping the common people overcome various hurdles in life. Thus we have Kalt, the destroyer of all enemies, Chhinmasta for spiritual elevation and activation of Kundalini, Dhoomauati for banishing worries or anxieties, Matangi for riddance from diseases and a healthy body, Maha Tripur Sundari for an attractive beautiful personality, Shodashi for enchanting charms and mannerisms and Kamala for wealth and success in trade.
Preface Of all the deities, Gods and Goddesses the ten Mahavidyas enjoy a very respectable place in the spiritual spheres. In fact to join the most exalted group of enlightened ones as a prerequisite Sadhaks have to attain Siddhi of at least four of the ten Mahavidyas. All these Goddesses are different forms of AdyaMa Shakti who remains ever eager to bestow all favours upon her children. Hence she has assumed these diverse forms which are capable of blessing one with different boons.
Besides these seven there are three more Mahavidyas namely Tara,Bhuvaneshwari and Baglamukhi butin this book the Sadhanas of only the former seven are being elucidated in detail. I hope that Sadhaks and readers are able to reap the rewards of such wondrous practices that are rare even for Gods.